Sunday 11 January 2015

Nullable Types(?) and Null Coalescing Operator(??)

1.Nullable Types '?' : 

In C-sharp Types are divided into 2 categories

Value Types: Int, float, double, struct, enums etc
Reference Types: Interface, class, delegates, arrays etc

Nullable type is to provide null value to any type.

By Default value types are non-nullable to make them nullable use "?"


int i = 0;              // i is non nullable because data type of i is int, so i cannot set to null .
int i = null;         // it will generate compiler error

so we use "?" to provide null value to 'i'

int? i = null;

  1. {  
  2.      static void Main()  
  3.      {  
  4.           string name = null;  
  5.           int i= null;  
  6.           int? i = null;  
  7.      }  

In Line 4 we initialize name to null since it is legal because string is the reference type variable.
In Line 5 we initialize i to null it will generate a compiler error because i is Value type. So, we use "?" in line 6 to make it legal and nullable.

2.Null Coalescing Operator '??' :

This is used to define a default value for nullable types or reference type it return the left hand operand if the operand is not null otherwise it return the right hand operand.


  1. class Test
  2. {
  3.    static void Main()
  4.    {
  5.       int availableTickets;
  6.       int? ticketOnSale = null;

  7.          if(ticketOnSale == null)
  8.          {
  9.             availableTickets = 0;  // Assign a value when it satisfy null condition

  10.          }

  11.          else
  12.          {
  13.             availableTickets = (int)ticketOnSale;

  14.          Console.WriteLine(availableTickets);

  1. class Test
  2. {
  3.    static void Main()
  4.    {
  5.       int availableTickets;
  6.       int? ticketOnSale = null;

  7.        availableTickets = ticketOnSale??0;      // null-coalescing operator              

  8.       Console.WriteLine(availableTickets);